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if you haven't been a ballerina or a cook you haven't done anything.

She was born in a point on map, which if it was not geography and personalities like Vespucci none would know. So we think that it's nice some times to appreciate science. 

Her official given name was at first Aristea like her grandmother(which is an adjective and means more or less what an aria means to music) however although she talked rather soon probably her parent's did not appreciate that much her intelligence and named her Aria (air) which was easier to memorize and learn. She responds as well to nicknames Arioula or Ariaki (little Aria) but only when called with good intentions or by beloved ones. One of her best friends calls her Ari (Mars) which is a male name and the name of god of war and she probably has a reason for.

During her childhood she lived in many many different places in Greece and in the European Continent. She covers up with the excuse that in first grade she changed 4 different schools one of them in a different city (and so on) for she was or excellent or indifferent in school depending on the teacher or her mood. Instead of homework she preferred reading poetry, mythology and any kind of literature; listen to music or simple being outdoors. She refused to study philology of a foreign language she had contact from her infancy which she probably should have and later on she decided to turn her interest to European and Greek Culture and Civilization, history of art, communication and culture of fashion. Her ability to recognize a scent among many others (most possibly because she is myopic and a biological system needs to defend himself) and call many perfumes by name only by scent gave her a job in the perfume industry. But she has done several jobs from super markets to bookstores and from collecting grapes to international organizations. She was involved in the radio communication industry and was a radio music producer for many years so by some her voice is more recognizable than her face. 

If she was a poet she would like to be Odysseas Elytis, Georgios Seferis, Giacomo Leopardi or Federico Garcia Lorca. If she was a writer she would like to be Jose Saramago, John Tolkien, or Alexandros Papadiamandis. If she was an artist she would like to be Gustav Klimt, Paul Klee or Pablo Picasso, El Greco, Van Gogh or Bruno Munari.  If she was a photographer she would like to be Andre Kertesz. If she was an actor she would like to be Cary Grand, Katharine Hepburn or Orestes Makris. If she was a musician she would like to be Giacomo Puccini, Johan Sebastian Bach, Manos Hadjidakis or Miles Davis. If she was a singer she would like to be, Mario del Monaco or Nina Simone. If she was a personality she would like to be Tom Waits. If she was an influencer she would like to be Coco Chanel.  But if she was to be something else than she is she would like to be a tree.

She loves the film "Hana bi" by Takeshi Kitano, "L' Atalante" by Lean Vigo and the "City Lights" by Charlie Chaplin.

(without knowing how) she is involved in many things that keeps her busy like paragliding and volunteering but the truth is that she is very lazy and she likes doing nothing. The only thing that has real value to her is life in any form and her beloved ones. She is fighting with herself every day and sometimes wins her, sometimes wins herself. The phrase that is hunting her is the phrase of Odysseas Elytis "worth to be the light, the conscience full of light like the summer" 1 and the phrase she carries is the phrase of Jose Saramago  "you should defend life otherwise you have learned nothing". 2

1. O. Elytis, Poems, To Axion Esti,  Ikaros 2002,

2. J Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, Kastaniotis, 2010

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( Photo by Luca villani crivelli (from the series wiches and trolls )
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